How To Play
To have highest number of points on the board at the end of a set.
Key terms:
Reference Images:
1. Stones: these are the movable playing pieces.
2. King Stones: These stones can only move diagonally along the board and are the only stones to be able to occupy the win squares. Your can identify a King Stone by its white outline.
![](/diagon/assets/Stones/King stone-1.png)
3. Tiles: these are the areas where a stone can be placed on the board. There are 76 tiles in total. The triangles on the side are also considered full tiles.
![](/diagon/assets/how to play/board.png)
4. Win Square: a win square is the square that the King stone must be on to win the game. No other stones can be placed on this square
![](/diagon/assets/how to play/win squares.png)
5. Winning Triangle: All of your pieces must be placed in your opponents Winning Triangle to win the game. Winning triangles are highlighted in white.
![](/diagon/assets/how to play/win triangle.png)
8. Move: to move you must shift one stone to the end of its row, or up against another stone already in that row stones cannot move diagonally. King stones however, can only move diagonally.
![](/diagon/assets/how to play/correct and incorrect moves.png)
Basic Movements:
To move, click on the stone you would like to move, and then click on the highlighted square you would like to move it to. You can also drag your stone of choice to a highlighted tile. Stones can only be moved to the end of their row or up to another stone.
To Win:
To win the game, you must move your pieces into the opposite Winning Triangle and have you King Stone in the Winning Square before your opponent.